About Us
A Podcast brought to you by Transition Solutions
“The CareerPod” offers insights into a wide range of careers; both professional and trade based. These insights include what is the “day-to-day” work like in that profession or trade, what skills and credentials are needed just to get started, and what commitments (time/work hours, additional education/certifications, travel, relocation, etc.) are usually required to be successful.
Another purpose and focus of the program is to present strategies, actions and learnings inherent in changing careers. How to take control of your “vocational destiny”; enabling you to find and embark upon a new job/career if you have that unclear but nagging feeling that you should ‘just be doing something different.
What we hope you’ll gain by listening in, is a sense of how to look at your own career; how to determine if you are managing your career for your personal, professional and financial success… as you define it.
Your Host
Transition Solutions™; a leading Career Consulting and Outplacement firm, has worked with thousands of people to help them manage their careers. Our executive team and senior consultants draw upon their expertise and networks to host conversations with people immersed in careers at entry through executive levels; and spanning a vast selection of professions, trades and industries.
Our Guests
CareerPod brings you conversations with interesting, people talking about the work they do and the careers they are pursuing. They will be from all walks of life, in all kinds of jobs and at all levels of their profession or trade. Some will be just starting out, others well along their journey and some finishing their careers and thinking about transitioning into an active retirement. These will be fast paced, insightful discussions with thoughtful, articulate people; happy to share their insights about how they are crafting their life’s work. Their stories and insights on what was challenging, rewarding and frustrating; and what it takes to start and build such a career may give you a helpful perspective on your own career decisions.